Monday, November 13, 2006

About Hope

For some reason, the word hope always reminds me of two quotes from The Shawshank Redemption:

The first one was from Red (Morgan Freeman) warning Andy (Tim Robbins) about hope:
Red: Let me tell you something my friend. Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane.

But at the end after escaping, Andy tells Red another quote through his letter:
Andy Dufresne: Hope is a good thing. Maybe the best of things. And a good thing never dies.

I believe in the latter. Keep on hoping ;)

- CASh

Sunday, November 12, 2006

karmic effects

I hope that everyone would cultivate some form of mindfulness in their actions and realise the karmic laws of cause & effect. A good deed goes a long way ... and so does an evil thought

- from a Buddhist

Friday, November 10, 2006

Baby Wish

"I hope that my baby stays healthy..." - from Kyra's Mummy

Street Children in India

Do you know that 1/3 of the world's poorest children are in India. I wish that the street children in India can enjoy a proper shelter and not have to live in the streets no more. Get them to school!

Monday, November 06, 2006

stop the giggles ...

I hope that asian women would stop giggling unnecessarily ...


I hope that people would stop thinking that their race/religion is superior to that of the others ...

my dog

I hope that my dog will NEVER grow old and die ...

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Angkor Kids

My experience in Cambodia would forever change and inspire me. The charm of this Angkor kids, busy entrepreneurs and vendors, in hardship and poverty they endured and strived on. I only hope they'll have a better life in this somewhat dark world.

Tsunami Hope

Tsunami Hope -A website dedicated to Tsunami efforts in Phuket. This is a picture of a surviving Tsunami baby in Phuket. Has everyone forgotten that fateful day that will forever change some of the lives of people in various parts of Asia. Here's just a little reminder.

Hope Here

Recently I received a mini message in a bottle trinket from a friend. Simple and yet makes me think of how in this decade, how many hopes we hold on to just to get by every single day. I hope for more salary, more massages, more life experience, health, it's endless. Some desperately hope for things others take for granted-life a shelter, a love-shelter, food, water. And sometimes we hold grudges and feelings for people we don't want the other to know. Here's a channel I hope, to post those messages in a bottle, well, in this case our blog. Perhaps by doing so, we can help each other to lead each other towards our hopes. Who knows?